"We can’t possibly hope to change the world, without first changing ourselves."

Jason is a husband, award-winning speaker, author, recording artist and former international athlete. As a musician; Jason has recorded with world-class Hollywood producers, while as an athlete; he is a multiple Inline Speed Skating national champion and international medallist who has also placed in the top 10 at the Junior World Championships. Today Jason focuses on sharing his message of hope, through his remarkable testimony of overcoming hardship and abuse.

Having lived through severe childhood trauma and abuse, Jason has earned the ability to speak with authority on the topics of resilience, overcoming adversity, mental health, discipline, and faith. Jason’s signature messages leave audiences inspired to take greater responsibility for their lives, no matter the circumstances of their past. 

"In thirty years of ministry, I have never heard a testimony like Jason’s."

“In thirty odd years of ministry, I have never heard such a story. Plenty of people have experienced components of the journey, but never have I found an individual with so much good news to share, from such a traumatised start… especially in the western world.”

Rabbi Philip Hammond

We encourage you to contact us to arrange a speaking engagement, a workshop or even just a chat.

speaking Topics

Mental Health

According to the World Health Organisation, 1 in 8 people in the world today are currently suffering from a mental health disorder.

Resilience and Overcoming Adversity

We don’t believe God ever gives us more than we are capable of handling. Through our experiences, we have the potential to harness what we have learned and turn it into the gift of resilience. 

Victim to Victor

Jason often used to joke that he never felt like a man. Even at thirty years old, he still felt like a boy. Most people would laugh and say “You’re only as old as you feel”, but that carefree attitude didn’t help.

The Life I Was Given and the Life I Chose

Many of the circumstances of our lives that have formed our identity, were totally beyond our control. Making peace with the pain from our past is necessary to living a fulfilling future tomorrow.


As Jason sat alone in the dodgiest rehab in Sydney on his 30th birthday, he noticed a small bookcase of rarely touched books. Desperately depressed, he reached for the bible and everything changed.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Today, our young people are navigating an unchartered world unlike anything we have ever seen before. 


How many times have you heard it said: “Truth is stranger than fiction.” 

The life of Jason Blyth fits this description. Words such as unique, extraordinary, unreal, scary, even the over used word miracle is not out of place.

We begin the account before Jason was born. 

His mum (Maggie – not her real name) was severely brain damaged in a shocking motorcycle accident in 1977. Left in a coma, on life support… brain dead and unable to breathe.

The difficult decision to turn off her life support was made, but against all odds she began to breathe. Nonetheless, although she was alive, she was still classed as brain dead.

Months passed as she lay in this condition, before once again beating the odds and waking up. Maggie now lives a simple but functioning life, still affected by ongoing brain damage, along with other life traumas. 

Ten years after the accident, Maggie attended a church service where she heard a message inspiring her to act. The events following began the journey of Jason’s life.

Maggie responded to an advertisement placed in a local paper, under the heading: “Seeking friends”. This man had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse, along with gang involvement. However, she made the misguided mistake of trying to help him overcome his troubled life. 

During this time, this man would sneak into her room one night and rape her. This was when Jason was conceived. After Jason was born, his mum tried to kill him on more than one occasion. To Maggie, this child was a reminder of the rape… keep in mind her brain damage. 

Jason’s home, full of violence and volatility, caused an atmosphere whereby he was petrified as a child. The result meant he spent much of his childhood living with his grandparents and many years of countless visitations to psychiatrists. His first visit at just 33 months old.

Jason left “home” a broken youth. Physically and emotionally abused, a life full of trauma, he spent the next fifteen years searching for a connection, a place in the world and a place he could feel a sense of worth. 

Sadly, this only resulted in more destruction in his life, and those he associated with. Nonetheless, in those early years he had a small light that shone and he became a world class inline speed skater. He won multiple national championships, representing New Zealand on the international stage for a period of six years. As a gifted athlete, Jason played soccer in New Zealand’s National Youth League, as well as winning many swimming titles, triathlons, and the list goes on. This provided an outlet for survival as he continued to battle with the scars of his childhood. Sport taught him discipline, which Jason attributes to becoming necessary for his survival.

Soon, Jason’s school life was not much better than his home life. Although talented academically, he was a disruptive child, constantly causing chaos in class. Unable to relate to well others, he became an attention seeker, which lead him to be badly bullied for years, where would miss school for weeks at a time… not the best situation for a young man.

He left home at fifteen, and by sixteen, he had dropped out of school. Jason quickly entered a life of depression, full of anxiety and anger. He would give up on his skating at seventeen years, and instead indulged in drinking and partying to excess. 

It wouldn’t be long before Jason began building a career in music, which eventually would lead him to travel to Hollywood, to record music with world class producers. Desperate to please, succeed and belong, he found himself engulfed in a world of darkness that he had never experienced before.

He found himself mixing in the occult, where he was following some of the most prominent leaders in the time. It almost cost him everything, including his life.

By 2018, Jason’s life had completely collapsed, he had actually gone from bad to worse. Having lost all hope, he checked himself into a psychiatric ward and then celebrated his 30th birthday in rehab. 

Now for the exciting part… another journey begins

During this time, Jason began to read an instruction book on life and how best to deal with its challenges. He had plenty, so it needed to be a good book… it needed to hold good news for this young man.

He began to read the bible. From there everything (and we mean everything) changed.

Jason is now unrecognisable as a person, compared to his former life. 

Through God’s amazing grace, Jason has overcome the destructive habits, and behaviours that had him chained to a position devoid of hope and life.


Jason's Life Today

Finding life, and hope, Jason no longer smokes, drinks, uses drugs, engages in unhealthy sexual practices, gambling and swearing. Just to list the obvious ones, though there are so many more.

He is now happily married to a young lady, that walked by his side through much of his young life. Just ask her if she can see a difference.

Jason is now focused on sharing his life story to give hope to those who are struggling. Showing through his experience, not just theory, that people can have hope. Showing that they can change and can lead fulfilling lives in this very challenging world.

Jason is driven to inspire others to take a healthy accountability for their future, rather than remaining a victim of the pain of the past.

Much of what takes place in our lives, may not have been our fault or in our control. However, we can all take responsibility for the life we live today, which will define our tomorrow.

"I knew if i didn't change, I would end up in prison or dead ."

Jason has dedicated his life to his Creator and Saviour Yeshua. He has been baptised, and walks according to the instructions found in the bible. These instructions both saved his life and continue to shape it. 

This is a story worth telling and one that should be heard… giving hope to those that seek it.


Sarah P.

Jason’s session on mental health was a life-changer for me. His insights and practical advice helped me understand and manage my anxiety better. He speaks with such compassion and clarity, making complex topics accessible and relatable. I left the session feeling more hopeful and equipped to take control of my mental well-being.

Mark T.

Jason's self-improvement workshop was truly inspiring. His approach to personal growth is both practical and motivating. He provided actionable steps that I could immediately implement in my daily routine. His genuine passion for helping others shines through in every word. I highly recommend Jason’s sessions.

Emily R.

Attending Jason’s talk on faith was an enlightening experience. He has a unique way of connecting spiritual principles with everyday life, making faith feel both powerful and applicable. His stories and examples were incredibly moving and left a lasting impact on me. Jason’s ability to communicate profound truths with simplicity and grace.

David L.

Jason’s mental health session was exactly what I needed. He breaks down stigma and opens up honest conversations about mental health issues. His empathy and understanding create a safe space for attendees to share and learn. Jason’s practical tips and encouraging words have been instrumental in my journey toward better mental health.


The life of Jason Blyth is truly stranger than fiction.

Conceived when his brain damaged mum [from a motorcycle accident] was raped. She had gone to help a man get his life back in order. A man with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, also connected with gangs. Rape was the thanks she got.

After Jason was born, his mother tried to kill him on more than one occasion. Having been traumatised by the rape, Jason was a constant reminder of the ordeal.   

Jason’s home was full of violence, spending his younger years visiting psychiatry clinics, in an effort to change his mental demons. His first visit at 33 months of age… 

As you can imagine, these formative years were very destructive and this went from bad to worse. In searching for a place to belong, he found himself caught up in the music industry in the USA, which eventually lead him into the occult.

This almost cost him his life

Having lost all hope, questioning if life was worth living, he checked himself into a psychiatric ward on his 30th birthday. 

He found himself reading a great book on the instructions for a wonderful life – the book?


Enter God’s amazing grace. Change in attitude, hope, and lifestyle – a change only his Creator could bring about.

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